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Creating Global Peace and Sustainability


A Process for
Implementing Change

We are dedicated to creating Global Peace and Sustainability for all people on Earth. An overview of the process is presented below and is detailed in our latest book.

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Implementing the CGPS Process in Your Own Organization


Enable an understanding of all that has been happening to people locally and globally.


Develop a Vision for global peace and sustainability.



Create a Plan to get to the Vision.


Implement the Plan on a Daily Basis to achieve the Vision.

Your Participation

If you are interested in using the processes presented in the book titled CREATING GLOBAL PEACE AND SUSTAINABILITY we invite you to contact us with your information for a copy of the book and ways to proceed with the implementation process.

The details of who you are and your location will be kept confidential unless you will allow us to share it on this site.

As our community grows, it will share our progress in facilitating changes. The details of who you are and your location will be kept confidential unless you allow us to share it on this site.

If you want individuals to learn about the fact that you are doing this process, please indicate this and how they may contact you. We will share your information with other interested parties.

Another way to support the process is to tell other people about it, and contribute fund and/or other resources to support the promotion and implementation of workshops and related activities implementation of the process.

Facilitator Certification

If you are interested in becoming a certified Facilitator of the CGPS process, please let us know and we will contact you to make arrangements.

Purchase Your Copy Today

Creating Global Peace & Sustainability – Now Available


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About the Author

Charles Skinner is an experienced leader, facilitator and organization consultant. From 2010 to 2019 he started and managed the Center for Practicing Peace at the University for Peace established by the United Nations General Assembly, to support students in living life outside the classroom. He provided and coordinated activities, resources and a wide variety of speakers from around the world on topics of value for the students.

He founded F.I.T. Organizations, LLC in 2004 to provide information and resources for individuals and organizations to help them improve their work and life situations. He consulted nationally and internationally.

From 1987 to 2004, Mr. Skinner worked as a consultant on Lean management systems and tools for Productivity, Inc., an international consulting and training organization. He worked in the U.S. and around the world, including in Japan with creators of the Toyota Production System, including Dr. Shigeo Shingo. He has presented at national and regional conferences for Productivity Inc., IEE, AME, Ohio State University, University of Dayton, Northwest Food Processors, and others, earning top ratings. The New York Times chronicled his work.

Prior to 1987, Mr. Skinner had fifteen years experience creating and managing a wide variety of organizations including: Director and Manager for local and nationwide drug prevention programs; Director of Treatment Services at a facility for people with mental retardation; Wellness Consultant; Director of a hospital-based adolescent outpatient treatment program; community organizer and university instructor. He has developed and conducted training events for adult learners in a variety of businesses, industries, government and social service organizations, colleges and universities. He started a drug abuse prevention program that became a national model program. He has worked on the factory floor. He managed a union facility. He has designed and taught courses including Organizational Behavior, and Understanding and Managing Human Behavior. He was a Peace Corps Volunteer. Three programs he designed and implemented received national recognition in the U.S. and the Philippines.

Charles Skinner

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